Friday, January 9, 2015

My Running Slump

Its been months since I last ran on the road. I have been a lazy couch potato. Blame the weather, blame me, blame my work and my time management. I have watched my motivation to run slip away just like that. The last race I attended was the BAA 10K in Boston last July 2014. Ever since then I have been busy shying away from running. I know I need to start somehow, I know I need to break out of this slump, I know I need to run. How ? When ? Why ? I need to figure out. I used to motivate myself by the sight of new shoes or a running gadget. However, even those has not been effective lately. To push myself, I have to sign up for a race to keep my training in check. Again, even that has lost its power. But I know I need to run. I feel the urge to run. I just cant get my mind to tell my body to start running again.

I will try to push my myself more and I will start it with this post. Hopefully, my desire to conquer the road again will jump start. It may not be now but sooner than what I expected to. Now let me lay down my plans, my only plan.....just go out there and run.

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